Nina's Blog

Sunday, May 04, 2008

End of the Holidays

Hey everybody holidays are over, (wahhh! :-( ) oh well, back to school! I had heaps of fun during the holidays and I hope every else did too! The highlights for the holidays. Well……. My favorite time was when I went on a horse riding course in Stratford. It was really fun and I learnt heaps! When we were in Stratford doing the course we stayed with Annie Tapper in Cardiff. The ponies stayed there too so we had to do 2 trips each day!
Connie and I also went to Sarah and Hannah’s place with our ponies. I took Delilah and Connie took Shadow. We had heaps of fun there as well. I helped Sarah to build her cross country course, then we rode it and it was heaps of fun.
Well we will have to deal with school for a little while and then we will be free again! :-)